Finding Calm in the Midst of the Festive Season

Finding Calm at Christmas, EFT, Meditation, Self-care, Wellbeing
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Samantha Hardwick

Now is the perfect time to prioritise your own self-care and wellbeing in the weeks leading up to Christmas. By committing a small amount of your time (in as little as 10 minutes) I will help you reduce the amount stress and overwhelm you’re facing with two easy techniques - EFT Tapping & Meditation!

Now is the perfect time to prioritise your own self-care and wellbeing in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

I can understand that this time of year is stressful for so many and before now, you have been likely thinking “how can I possibly find the time for myself when there is just too much to do?”

By committing a small amount of your time (in as little as 10 minutes) I will help you reduce the amount stress and overwhelm you’re facing with two easy techniques – EFT Tapping & Meditation!

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