Having been diagnosed for the second time in my life with Endometriosis and feeling completely exhausted after another very painful weekend, discombobulated and pretty frustrated I called the lovely Samantha, who told me to come to her if my family could spare me for a few days. Sam is my Reiki Master; I have known her for many years and totally trusted her when she said she was quite sure she could help me with a new technique she had just learned. So I pumped myself with painkillers and drove myself to North Devon to see her. She gave me my first EFT treatment (Emotional freedom technique or more simply "tapping on acupuncture points") and Matrix Reimprinting. Honestly, even if I work with energy and am quite open minded, I couldn't see how it could work for me. I am just so glad I listened to her and so grateful by her amazing welcome. The next day when I woke up, I realised that I had actually slept through the night! Then I noticed that I wasn't in pain, and when I got out of bed, the pain didn't come back when I started moving around. It was the first time in 3 months that I was pain-free, and I have been pretty much all the time since then. I can't explain how it felt, it was simply wonderful.
Since my stay with Sam, it feels like my life has been given to me again. I know that I have to work more with Sam for long lasting results. I want to go to the source of the condition. Modern medicine can do amazing things but it only tries to solve the symptoms or remove the problem with a surgery, it doesn't go for the cause, and this is not enough for me. So if you or if you know anyone who is suffering with Endometriosis, and many other conditions, be curious look into it.